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New Year, New Approach to Your Business

New Year, New Approach to Your Business

WeddingIQ Blog - New Year New Approach to Your Business

Are you as excited as I am to be back at work on this, the first Monday of the New Year? I personally think January and February are two of the most exciting business months in the wedding industry. All those new engagements and wedding shows, plus all the couples who've been engaged for quite a while but suddenly realize they need to hurry up and finalize their vendor selection, means lots of new sales without all the output of actually working the weddings themselves. Ka-ching!

Throughout this month on WeddingIQ, we're going to be presenting content on the theme of marketing your wedding business: putting out the branding message and the collaterals and campaigns to capture all those new bookings. This couldn't come at a better time, right?

As you get ready to tackle any marketing overhaul that may need to take place in your business, be sure to look at everything with your eyes and your mind wide open. Marketing and branding are a funny thing - for whatever reason, we tend to take those parts of our business more personally than any other, and they can be the hardest parts in which to embrace change. (I wrote about this in a previous post in which I pointed out how people seem to have a really tough time seeking help with their brand.)

When you stick with marketing that isn't working, whether because of financial constraints or shame or pride, your business suffers. Period. It's that simple.

This month is all about refreshing your business' message to the world and to those dream clients with whom you most want to work. I'm going to be doing that same refresh right along with you, because no matter how long any of us have been operating our companies, we all need to change things up sometimes if we want to stay relevant and in-demand.

See you back here Wednesday with some marketing advice we can follow together!

Making Wedding Shows Work for You

Making Wedding Shows Work for You

Happy New Year From WeddingIQ!

Happy New Year From WeddingIQ!