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Thank You, WeddingWire World!

Thank You, WeddingWire World!

WeddingIQ Blog - Thank You WeddingWire World

We had such a fantastic experience this year at WeddingWire World 2016! WeddingIQ was re-launched less than a year ago at WeddingWire World 2015 and we're so excited to have come so far in such a short period of time. Not only were Jennifer and I both featured speakers this year but our booth in the Marketplace allowed us to share our blog's vision with attendees. We met some amazing business owners from all across the country and listened to great advice from fellow wedding vendors and celebrities in our industry. Here are a few highlights from the week. Stay tuned for a more in depth exploration of our presentations coming soon!


When Does Trying Become Try-Hard?

When Does Trying Become Try-Hard?

WeddingWire World, Here We Come!

WeddingWire World, Here We Come!