Flashback Friday: Wedding Pros' Event Day Irritants & Vendor Pet Peeves, Revealed β€” WeddingIQ
Flashback Friday: Wedding Pros' Event Day Irritants & Vendor Pet Peeves, Revealed

Flashback Friday: Wedding Pros' Event Day Irritants & Vendor Pet Peeves, Revealed

As our loyal WeddingIQ readers know, we eagerly solicit anonymous rants from our colleagues in the wedding industry, with the purpose of bringing other professionals' real feelings into the spotlight. Let's face it: sharing our real thoughts can be hard, especially when we don't want to jeopardize our referral relationships or make our next networking event even more awkward.

Collecting anonymous submissions from our readers enables us to bring up problematic issues and actions for discussion here on the site, and to determine what's important to the people who follow our blog. (With that in mind, we invite you to submit your own anonymous rant, or, if anonymity isn't your thing, email us directly with what matters most to you!)

In the meantime, today we're taking a look back at some previous WeddingIQ posts featuring the real, raw, uncensored opinions of our readers - and they definitely weren't holding back! Take a look through our archive and let us know: do these anonymous vendor rants resonate with you? Which opinions do you disagree with, and which do you share?

Friday Five: 5 Anonymous Rants With Feeling: In this November 2015 post, we shared the submissions of five particularly passionate wedding pros. Topics included how coordinators change over time, spoiling vendors, biased media, industry cliques and more.

Friday Feels: Flooding the Market With Faulty Business Practices: In August 2015, we noticed a theme in a lot of the anonymous rants we were receiving - that of illegal or otherwise shady business practices. Check out this post to see an especially in-depth review of how these practices are affecting clients and the industry as a whole.

Friday Feels: Vendors Put on Blast!: In this no-holds-barred post from June 2015, we revealed what wedding vendors had to say about their colleagues from other service categories. Get the dirt on what DJs, photographers, planners, coordinators, caterers, hair/makeup artists and more are doing to annoy their fellow vendors, as well as some general rants that could apply to anyone.

Friday Feels: Can You Relate to These Rants?: May 2015 was a big month for vendor meal complaints, and we presented them all in this post. (Eager to present a counterpoint, we later went straight to several caterers for their advice on how wedding pros can get better food at weddings, without alienating the caterer - be sure to check that out, too!)

Finally, in case you missed them the first time around, read our original explanation of why we rolled out the anonymous rants form, and our followup post outlining what we didn't intend when we announced this endeavor!

We hope you all have a great weekend, and we'll be back Monday with a post on the topic of training your team to properly prepare for their events!


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