Side Hustle Series: Alli Elmunzer of COLOR!

(Editor's Note: Our popular "Side Hustle Series" is back, this time with a twist! Today we're featuring Alli Elmunzer, a photographer who started out in weddings and eventually <gasp> got out! Her conscious decision to transition away from wedding photography, in an effort to build a career that would fit better into the lifestyle she wanted, is one i think is definitely worth discussing. As rooted as I am in the wedding industry, I'm also a firm believer that our passions, our priorities and our purpose can all evolve throughout our lives. I think it's a great thing when someone decides to make intentional changes to their career path, and Alli is a great example of that. She now focuses on commercial and styled product photography through her primary business, Turquoise and Palm, and recently launched her side hustle, a stock photography membership site called COLOR!

Read on to learn more about Alli's entrepreneurial journey, and about how her new venture fits in with her business and her life!)

Friday Five: 5 Attitude Adjustments to Augment Your Sales

I won't beat around the bush: selling your service or product in a wedding industry business can be hard. And when the clients you want to work with don't seem to be the ones inquiring, or when your offerings seem to be scaring off more prospects than they're enticing, it's easy to become disillusioned. And therein begins the vicious cycle: slow sales cause a sour mindset, which results in even slower sales.

This Friday Five series post doesn't have all the answers - your business issues could be caused by any number of things, from bad branding to misguided marketing to a tarnished reputation, and fixing them probably requires real work.However, if you're feeling bored, burnt out, bitter, or just plain blue, here are five adjustments to make to your attitude before it affects your sales.

It's a Family Affair: When Your Sales Meeting Becomes a Group Activity

Last month we focused on marketing yourself and your business to bring qualified leads to your door. Hopefully some of the techniques we outlined in Are Your Branding & Marketing Authentic to You10 Free Ways to Market Yourself and Your Business, and Making Wedding Shows Work for You helped to increase the number of couples interested in your products and services. Once potential customers contact you, that's when you enter enter the realm of sales and the real work of converting couples into clients begins.

When Does Trying Become Try-Hard?

Nobody likes a try-hard. Harsh, but true. And by "try-hard," I'm referring to those people who are so eager for connection, for acceptance, that they become off-putting. We all know at least one.

Unfortunately, as wedding business owners, we're all in a position to have to sell our services - in a sense, sell ourselves - and, by its very nature, selling requires trying. We're all out here, putting our best foot forward, asking people to give us their hard-earned money. To a certain degree, we have to be vulnerable, which isn't easy for most of us. It's easy to come across as desperate.

Thank You, WeddingWire World!

We had such a fantastic experience this year at WeddingWire World 2016! WeddingIQ was re-launched less than a year ago at WeddingWire World 2015 and we're so excited to have come so far in such a short period of time. Not only were Jennifer and I both featured speakers this year but our booth in the Marketplace allowed us to share our blog's vision with attendees. We met some amazing business owners from all across the country and listened to great advice from fellow wedding vendors and celebrities in our industry. Here are a few highlights from the week. Stay tuned for a more in depth exploration our presentations coming soon!