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Getting Back Into Networking after the COVID Hiatus

Getting Back Into Networking after the COVID Hiatus

This summer has been a wild one — but I don’t need to tell you that. Most wedding pros (myself included) have been navigating a busier season than ever with double-digit weddings to manage each week. If your sanity is hanging on by a thread, you’re not alone! While the added revenue is certainly welcome, there’s no denying the pressure that comes with a maxed-out capacity.

Fortunately, with the return of weddings also comes the return of networking! I mean, who doesn’t miss the freedom of stepping out with the people who get exactly what you’re experiencing? 

As we work our way through this wedding boom, networking is more important than ever. Laughing and commiserating with those who get it is a calming salve for the stress. Plus, with everyone’s schedules booking up left and right, now is prime time for industry referrals.

But, let’s be honest — getting back into the swing of networking may not be as easy as we expected. After a year-plus of social distancing and Zoom meetings, there is still some hesitancy heading back into the real world. You may have forgotten how to pitch your business in person or perhaps you feel overstimulated by #AllTheThings.

Returning to the networking game might feel uncomfortable and exciting at the same time. Here are five ways to ease into the transition and get back out there.

Take it slow and steady.

There’s no need to dive back in head first if networking is overwhelming at this point in time. Start small with one or two in-person opportunities every few weeks as you reacclimate with your surroundings. There’s a good chance you’ll pick it up quickly, but don’t push yourself to take on more than you can handle! 

Pick the right opportunities.

Time is of the essence, so make sure that your networking strategies are worthwhile! You might have been a frequent attendee at chapter meetings for a photographers’ association before the pandemic, but if you’re a planner, it might not make sense for you to allocate your time there during this season. Focus on the networking opportunities that will provide you with the most ROI.

Be honest and respectful of boundaries.

Everyone has had a different experience with the pandemic and some people will feel more comfortable gathering in-person than others. If you’re nervous about physical contact, be honest and let people know you’re social distancing! Ask people to wear masks when they approach you, if that helps. Choose your networking opportunities wisely and prioritize the ones that require masks. On the same note, be mindful that others may feel that way even if you’re comfortable. Listen to what others say and read their body language to respect their boundaries.

Buffer your networking days.

If networking feels like a lot to take on—especially with your busy schedule!—try to buffer your social days with less-demanding tasks. For example, say you have a big industry event on a Tuesday evening that you know will leave you feeling burnt out afterwards. Block out your Wednesday morning for office work so you can be productive and recharge at the same time. Trust your gut and take care of yourself first.

Implement a mixed approach.

While in-person events are back in action, we’re not saying goodbye to virtual networking! Consider taking a hybrid approach to networking, perhaps scheduling one or two in-person engagements per month and filling in the gaps with online experiences. Do what makes you feel the most comfortable, but don’t feel like it’s an all-or-nothing approach. Rest assured that we are all getting back into the mix — you’re not alone regardless of how you feel!

This season, the name of the game is all about sticking to your own pace. Yes, you should certainly be out there networking your tail off. But you shouldn’t stretch yourself too thin, both in terms of your comfort zone and your busy schedule. Do what you can and avoid putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. This is only the beginning of the return of networking, and there will be plenty of opportunities to come!

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