All in Announcements

WeddingIQ: How Everything Has Changed, and What's Next

I remember when I first had the idea for what would become WeddingIQ. It was very early in 2012. I'd been running my DJ company for about 10 years, mainly overseeing the customer service and administrative side of things. My then-husband and business partner had stepped back from the day-to-day operations of the company to pursue other things, leaving me at the helm. Even with the added responsibility, I just felt like something was missing. Part of it was that I wasn't feeling particularly challenged anymore - I'm definitely someone who likes to take on new things - and part of it was that I knew I wasn't doing everything I was capable of doing in this industry, one that I'd been part of since I was 21 years old.

Plus, because I'd largely systematized the DJ business so that, with the help of a great assistant, it functioned pretty smoothly without my constant supervision, I had time on my hands and my wheels always seemed to be turning. (Basically, every rant you've ever read on WeddingIQ began as a monologue inside my very chaotic brain.)  And, increasingly, I wanted to give my thoughts a voice, a platform. I found myself feeling called to do two things: to help other business owners to become more effective and successful, and also to dissect some of the bullshit I observed in the wedding industry on a regular basis. If I'm being completely honest, I think I probably also believed I had it all figured out. At least most things. (Oh, if only I knew the humble pie I'd be eating later.)

WeddingWire World, Here We Come!

Okay, that title is a little misleading, since we're already on-site for WeddingWire World 2016. But you get where we were going with it!

We're so excited to once again be part of this industry-leading conference, bringing wedding business owners the best of technology, marketing tools, customer service strategies, and more, as well as unparalleled networking opportunities. This year's event is a full 2.5 days and is packed with amazing content, newly organized into several "tracks" to help wedding pros identify and attend the sessions most relevant to their businesses.