All in Sales

The Importance of a CRM System

When we first start out in business, we have all the time in the world. Every inquiry, every meeting, every contract and every other step of the transaction has our undivided attention, because - let's face it - we don't yet have a whole lot else to do. Of course, most of us hope to steadily grow our business and to become busier and busier, which means staying on top of our clients only gets harder and harder.

That's where CRM comes in.

The term CRM (customer relationship management) refers to a system or software that helps you manage any combination of your sales, marketing, operations and client interactions. And when your business really takes off and you suddenly have more client interactions than you can handle, your CRM becomes a lifesaver.

Learning From Your Selling Mistakes

There's not a single wedding business owner in the marketplace who closes 100% of their sales meeting. That's just a fact. Sure, there are things you can do to increase the chances a client will want to sign on the dotted line, but you're always going to lose a few.

And that's okay. It gives you an opportunity to reflect on your strategies and make improvements for an even better business, all because of the dropped sales.

How to Sell Yourself Anywhere

Where do you conduct sales meetings? In your home, in your office or in a cafe? Or perhaps you don’t even meet your clients in person and instead use the phone, Skype or FaceTime.There are so many options when it comes to meeting potential clients. Technology has paved the way for easier communication over long distances, between busy schedules and after business hours. It has also allowed us, as business owners, to create our own individual workspaces and schedules, whether that’s in an office, at home or on the road. Today we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of such arrangements as well as how to make the most of each situation to ensure you make a great impression and close the deal. 

Friday Five: 5 Attitude Adjustments to Augment Your Sales

I won't beat around the bush: selling your service or product in a wedding industry business can be hard. And when the clients you want to work with don't seem to be the ones inquiring, or when your offerings seem to be scaring off more prospects than they're enticing, it's easy to become disillusioned. And therein begins the vicious cycle: slow sales cause a sour mindset, which results in even slower sales.

This Friday Five series post doesn't have all the answers - your business issues could be caused by any number of things, from bad branding to misguided marketing to a tarnished reputation, and fixing them probably requires real work.However, if you're feeling bored, burnt out, bitter, or just plain blue, here are five adjustments to make to your attitude before it affects your sales.