All in Education

WeddingWire World, Here We Come!

Okay, that title is a little misleading, since we're already on-site for WeddingWire World 2016. But you get where we were going with it!

We're so excited to once again be part of this industry-leading conference, bringing wedding business owners the best of technology, marketing tools, customer service strategies, and more, as well as unparalleled networking opportunities. This year's event is a full 2.5 days and is packed with amazing content, newly organized into several "tracks" to help wedding pros identify and attend the sessions most relevant to their businesses.

WeddingIQ is Everywhere!

Hey, wedding pros! I'm excited to share that my monthly article for WeddingWire's Education Center and ProBlog is live today. I've written about the negative impact that a common personality trait, that of being a people pleaser, can have on your wedding business.

WeddingIQ is also going to be represented at two separate wedding industry conferences in the next couple of weeks. This coming Monday, February 1, Kyle and I are featured speakers at The Planners Suite event at Top of the Town in Arlington, Virginia. We'll be speaking on the topic of copyright: both as it pertains to protecting your own website from plagiarism and properly requesting and utilizing professional photographers' image in your marketing.