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Keeping Your Momentum Up Going into 2020

While the new year can seem exciting and inspirational, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing steam through the holiday season. After all, you’ve gotten through all of the busiest times of the year and what little off-season you get is just around the corner. It’s natural to feel like you should just check out early, grab a bottle of wine, and take the next several months to unwind.

Still, your business is a priority and you’re just about to hit peak season for sales and marketing to clients. New Year’s remains one of the most popular holidays to pop the question (just behind Christmas and Valentine’s Day), so it’s prime time to reel in the newly engaged for a successful 2020.

Let’s explore some ways you can keep up the momentum going into the new year so you can ramp up your off-season efforts while still making time for yourself. 

Carve out time for planning

Without the stress of back-to-back events, you can finally take some much needed time to create goals and plan ahead so you have a 2020 roadmap to lead you to success. Set real appointments with yourself in your calendar and don’t miss them.

Consider this as “me time” — treat yourself to a fancy coffee at your favorite café or cozy up with a notebook and blanket at home. You can be productive while still feeling like you get to indulge in your downtime. Just because it’s work doesn’t mean it needs to feel like work.  

Set deadlines — and rewards

The thrill of January is palpable, yet come March and April, it can feel like motivation starts to taper off. Busy season ramps up, you lose control of your schedule and, suddenly, you’re way off track from your goals. That’s where deadlines (and rewards) come into play.

Open-ended goals are dangerous because you don’t get to hold yourself to a specific date. Soon, this week becomes next month and, before you know it, it’s been a year and you’re nowhere closer to your goal. Procrastination loves a goal without a deadline. 

This year, set realistic deadlines along with your goals and identify small rewards for benchmarks throughout the year. A mani-pedi, a new kitchen appliance, or that handbag you’ve had your eye on — if it will propel you forward, mark it on your list and stick to it.  

Get out of your routine

The transitionary period surrounding the new year is the perfect time to dust the cobwebs off and pull yourself out of the same old, same old. Inspiration is most often found outside of your comfort zone, so new experiences are key to opening your mind up to new designs, projects, and ideas. 

This could be as extravagant as taking a holiday vacation across the world or as simple as having dinner at a new restaurant across town. Pick up a magazine you’ve never read before or go window shopping at the mall you never visit. The idea is to expose yourself to novel ideas, whether that’s close to home or miles away. 

This time of year is excellent for evaluating your past and planning for the future, so let yourself lean into the contemplative nature of the season. Reflect on what you’ve learned and how far you’ve come, then set your sights for a bigger and better 2020.                                                                                                      

Kylie Carlson is the owner of The Wedding Academy. With seven locations globally, the Academy boasts an internationally recognized accreditation program that brings professional training to wedding planners, designers and stylists.


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Prepping Your Business for the New Year