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How to Bring Your Lofty Business Dreams to Life in 2022

How to Bring Your Lofty Business Dreams to Life in 2022

Most wedding pros have spent the year rebuilding their businesses and navigating the heavy uptick in demand as we approach the later stages of the pandemic. With the industry poised to continue its boom in 2022, you might be wondering whether it’s time to finally do that one thing that you’ve been excited to see through.

Whether you’re dreaming of starting your own podcast, launching a new service line, entering a new market, or opening a brick-and-mortar, you may find there’s no better time to make it a reality than in 2022.

Truth be told, maintaining profitability and growth in your business is not an easy task, particularly if you’re in the throes of the biggest wedding boom in recent history. But the pandemic inspired countless unique ideas as industry pros had space to let their creativity flow in new directions. 

As we enter the off-season, it’s the perfect opportunity to revisit your big goals and how you can achieve them in the year ahead. Here are a few ways to strategize your game plan for an incredible 2022 that brings your exciting ideas to fruition.

Break goals into manageable steps.

While big, ambitious dreams can spur motivation, it can be easy to feel lost or overwhelmed if they are not accompanied by actionable steps and a concrete plan for achieving them. To start, take each goal and break them down into smaller, attainable objectives so that you have a bigger chance of success.

For instance, if you want to launch a podcast, think of all the processes involved to get you to your first live episode. You’ll need to choose a theme, a format, and a name. You will need to acquire and learn the equipment and software that you’ll use. You may need to hire someone to write scripts, perform voice overs, or edit recordings. Each of these is a distinct task necessary for launch that sets clear expectations for completion.

A task list will help you get crystal clear on what must be done, mitigating any overwhelm associated with goals that feel too big to swallow. Apply this principle to any dream and you’ll find it easier to be proactive and think about the process practically.

Map out your milestones.

After determining what you must accomplish, it’s time to divide them into milestones within a defined timeline. Grab a calendar and begin setting realistic deadlines for each step of the process. Not only does this process help you stay on-track with your ideal timeframe, but it will also ensure you aren’t taking on more than you can handle at once.

From there, consider carving out a couple of hours each week to work on the current tasks at hand. You might spend one week in research mode followed by a week of email pitches, making steady progress over time. Keep chipping away at your goals and, by the end of 2022, you’ll be surprised by how much you have accomplished!

Treat yourself.

Who doesn’t feel motivated by a reward? Whether it’s a spa vacation on your bucket list or a new electronic gadget you’ve been eyeing, consider what will give you the extra push when momentum starts to slow down. Commit to yourself and your goal, knowing what’s waiting for you upon completion. 

But it’s not just for the big destination! Think about smaller rewards to attach to your weekly or monthly objectives. Perhaps you get to treat yourself to fresh flowers or a fresh manicure once you’ve checked off a to-do and move onto the next step. Rewards are powerful motivators, so take advantage of your brain’s innate reward system!

While everyone has their own vision for 2022, it’s safe to say that we all have aspirations that we’re pushing towards in the new year. While your definition of “success” is unlike anyone else’s, the journey looks similar: intentional, calculated planning and a commitment to yourself. Every action plan requires diligence and perseverance, no matter what it entails — so focus on the future and keep up the hard work! 

Elizabeth Sheils is the co-founder of Rock Paper Coin, the first software platform to bring together wedding planners, couples, and vendors into one system for managing and paying contracts and invoices. Elizabeth is also a lead wedding planner with award-winning firm Bridal Bliss, where she manages the Seattle team. In addition to recognition by Special Events in its Top 25 Event Pros to Watch series, she also earned a spot in The BizBash 500 for 2021.

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