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7 Ways to Get People to Like You

If people don’t like us, then we are doing something very wrong. I’ve come to learn that people either love me or hate me; there is no in-between. Part of life is knowing that there is always going to be something you can improve on. Now, in sales, you need people to like you — here are seven ways for you to do just that.


1. Mirroring

This is something we do both consciously and subconsciously. We mimic the body language, posture, expression, or even communication methods of the person we are talking to. It allows us to find new ways to relate to them and connect on a deeper level — in fact, there are even neurons in our brains dedicated to helping us with this.

A client will almost instantly make their mind up as to whether they like or dislike you, and a lot of this can depend on the way you are expressing yourself through body language. Not to mention that the vibes they are sending to you often get thrown back at them without you even thinking. Thus, you need to be the one leading the charge; have them mirror you.


2. Body Language

This is so important, especially as 70 percent of our communication is done through it. That’s a huge number, right? As a salesperson, you need to be mindful of your body language, but also of your customer’s. If they are in an unfavorable position, it likely means that they don’t like what you are talking about and you need to change the conversation. Move onto something that they are interested in, and watch to see their body language adapt.

You have to be quick on your feet with this, as it can be easy to miss and forget to read the non-verbal cues. Remember that there can be subtle differences in the body language displayed by men and women, so a little extra research won’t go amiss.

If your body language screams insecurity and a lack of confidence, people will not have faith in you, and you will lose the job. Never keep your hands behind your back, as it’s dismissive; instead, use them to emphasize points and throw in some extra passion. Let the customer know that you are confident in yourself and your products.

Here are a few quick body language pointers to give you a head start:

  • Crossed arms are a sign of discomfort. The same goes for leaning away from you.

  • Leaning back with arms and legs spread wide is a sign of comfort, but it can also be a dominant and territorial display during serious discussions.

  • Placing your hands on a surface either side of you is a sign of confidence and authority.

  • Placing your hands on your hips with your legs spread shows that you are ready for action.

  • Hands resting together with the fingertips touching tends to suggest confidence and power.

  • Fiddling with hair, jewelry, or anything, is a sign of discomfort, doubt, and insecurity.

  • Bobbing a crossed leg up and down while sitting tends to show discomfort.

  • Pointing a foot upwards while talking is usually a good sign.

There are loads of other examples of body language, but these are the basics that you absolutely need to remember.


3. Positive Energy

If you aren’t positive, then you are going to lose work — it’s as simple as that. Take a deep breath, stand up tall, and get straight into the pitch with good thoughts for the process and outcome. Tell yourself you have the job before you even start, and the client will notice your confidence.

It links with body language because you need to further express that confidence with it. You could be an expert in your field, but no one will notice if you are carrying yourself incorrectly. Be passionate, be positive, and really show the customer what you’re made of.


4. Humor

People like it when the person they are talking to feels human. We all make jokes, and I am a master of throwing them into my pitches and seminars. Let people know who you are and don’t be afraid to show off that sense of humor. Of course, keep things tame, but you need to let customers relate to you.


5. Vulnerability

This is something that people love, so you need to be willing to be an open book. Being vulnerable is the act of willingly showing up, even with no guarantees. Vulnerability is a human trait that we all seem to respond to, and your potential customers are no different. Putting yourself out there, even when there is nothing to gain, is a great way to display just how motivated and devoted you are.


6. Mindset 

Your mindset is so important — I can’t emphasize this enough. If you’re saying that you can’t do something or if you give up easily, this needs to change. Success truly is a matter of mindset. If you have a negative outlook, you are far less likely to succeed.

You need to be looking for opportunities and approaching them with positivity. Act as though you have the job before you’ve even pitched. A proper mindset will be noticed by a customer, just as a poor one will. Sales aren’t just about technique; it is also about your confidence and the way you see yourself in business.


7. Commonality

This is all about finding something you and your customer share. It’s not always easy, but the best way to do it is with a good old-fashioned research session. Look them up on social media, visit their website, and find out everything you can to relate to them better. Doing your homework looks good on you. It shows that you care, but it also means you have gone the extra mile to impress buyers and let them know they are worth your time.

Getting people to like you isn’t as easy as clicking your fingers. You must put in effort. By following these seven simple steps, you will be well on your way to becoming better liked, and even more confident. Just watch those new clients roll in. 

With 30 years of experience owning event planning, high-end catering, and design and décor companies, Meryl Snow is on a mission to help businesses get on their own path to success. As a Senior Consultant & Sales Trainer for SnowStorm Solutions, Meryl travels throughout North America training clients in the areas of sales, marketing, design, and branding. She speaks with groups from the heart with warmth and knowledge, and covers the funny side of life and business.


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