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4 Ways Your Business Will Change in 2021

With the end of 2020 in sight, it’s leaving many wedding professionals with mixed feelings. On one hand, you might feel grateful to have almost made it through one of the most challenging years to date. Yet, on the other hand, you may feel just as uneasy about the year to come — with COVID-19 still a prevalent issue and news of a vaccine being iffy at best, we’ll be going into 2021 from a much different place than where we started this year.

While it’s true that we can’t yet predict what lies ahead for our businesses, the industry, and the economy, we can still use the rest of the year preparing ourselves to weather whatever may come. After all, we’ve made it through 2020 despite unprecedented obstacles. 

You might need to grow.

Once the dust settles, we’re going to face an industry-wide backlog of events as we work through all of the postponements of 2020. For some, this might come with the need to hire more help to ensure that all of your clients’ needs are being met. Fortunately, this slew of events will naturally entail a surge of income, so expanding your team may not be as nerve-wracking as it seems. If you’ve had to lay off or furlough some employees this year, don’t be afraid to reach out as things pick up steam again. 

You will still need to prioritize safety.

Safety has always been a top consideration, but it will remain the #1 priority in 2021. Even after a vaccine is released, people will understandably be wary of health risks after the pandemic upended everyone’s lives. Client meetings may be solely virtual or maybe you’ll keep a plexiglass barrier up for consultations. Likewise, events will look different for the foreseeable future; shorter guest lists, socially distanced floor plans, and additional sanitization measures will continue to be important for clients and their guests, even when things start to clear up. 

Your schedule will fill up.

With networking meetups and in-person client consultations back on the table, you won’t be seeing those large gaps in your calendar anymore. While you may have had your fair share of Zoom meetings, you might have gotten used to the convenience of taking all of your calls from the comfort of your home (goodbye, commute time!). Seeing your schedule fill back up will be a rewarding feeling, but be sure you’re ready to get back into the swing of things. Don’t lose sight of your time management strategies; it will be an adjustment for everyone, but committing to your tried-and-true practices will help the transition go much smoother. 

Your network will grow stronger.

Tough times have a way of bringing us together and these bonds will only strengthen once we can start spending quality time in person. You will have a shared experience with all of your industry peers and, in many cases, you’ll have helped one another along the way. When the coast is clear, be intentional about setting aside time for coffee dates and happy hour meetups to rebuild those personal connections and make the most of your relationships.

As we wrap up this crazy, unpredictable year, take some time to consider the moves you need to make to set your business up for the best 2021 possible. Everything is temporary and we will find a return to normal; until then, continue putting those creative muscles to use and keep hustling! 

Kevin Dennis is the editor of WeddingIQ and the owner of Fantasy Sound Event Services, a full-service event company based in Livermore, California. Dennis is the current international president for WIPA.


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