By Kellie Daab, iDo Collective
The idea that the success of your business is purely reliant on your potential client’s choice to click can be fairly daunting. It’s not just about being good anymore. It’s about being great! So great in fact that clicking to find out more about your business isn’t a choice. It’s a must!
Our current marketplace is full of excellent, attractive choices. Your competitors look as clean and fresh as you do. Especially as platforms get easier to use. The options for clicking are endless. And therefore, getting the sought after click through is more and more essential to the overall success of your brand.
Let’s talk about why a potential client clicks on offerings.
It Solves a Problem
If your potential client can’t seem to figure out what size linens they need for their 5ft. table, a quick trip to Pinterest will be an easy assumption. They type in linen sizes and select the most attractive image. This image will take them to your blog post or website page. You earned the click by being the most attractive solution to the problem.
So, how do you maximize on this problem-solving conversion tactic? You begin creating content and materials that solve the most pressing issues your potential clients have. Write down a list of the most frequently asked questions and post, blog, tweet, and promote the answers to their problems. Become their Google.
It Intrigues Them
How many times have you clicked on those “You’ll Never Guess What They Found in the 200 Year Old Home.” story? There’s something about a headline that intrigues you that makes you automatically click. What intrigue statements do you include in the marketing of your business? What stories can you tell? What “gossip” can you spread? By intriguing the potential clicker you’ll likely get them to follow through on your call to action. But beware, the end location must answer the intrigue in a way that leaves your potential client satisfied with the answer and then in want for more information.
It’s Relevant
What’s more click-worthy than an article about announcing your engagement popping up in your feed the day after you get engaged? When crafting your product and service messaging consider what’s relevant to your ideal client at certain stages of their wedding process? Write content and pro tips that are relevant to the specific times of year or what they are thinking about. Consider content that is seasonal like; How to Stay on Track During the Holidays, Choosing Your Spring Flowers, or Staying Cool during Your Summer Wedding. Seasonally and situationally appropriate content will most definitely slow the scroll and more readily ensure the click.
It Makes Them Feel Something
It doesn’t matter what feeling you convey, only that what you say makes your potential clients feel something. Anything! Spend some time digging into the feelings you want to convey with your marketing. By marketing a feeling to your clients, you’ll entice them to follow their feelings. This might be a story of a bride and her dad. Or a sentimental moment. Maybe you’re going to surprise them with a room makeover that wows. Think of what they might feel when scrolling past your content.
Emotion based clickbait draws from triggers that are less easy to control for the potential viewer. They are intrinsically drawn to the content or to the emotion and often begin to act on it before the logical brain kicks in. Use emotion in the body of your content as well. This will help to trigger easier more meaningful inquiries. Help them feel like you “get them” and you know exactly what they need. This helps to create emotional connections before ever connecting outside of the internet.
By using these four psychological triggers in your marketing, you can ensure that you secure more clicks and (if your other branding pieces are in line) more inquiries. Consider the why when you’re creating compelling, click-worthy content and it will most definitely produce more than desired results.