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The #1 Sales Tactic to Scale Your Wedding Business This Year

The #1 Sales Tactic to Scale Your Wedding Business This Year

Increasing sales is always the aim for small business owners, but how do you know the best way to accomplish those big goals? Strategy is key to taking prospects and warm leads and converting them into customers. 

If you’re looking for the number one way to increase sales this year, look no further. It’s time for you to do a sales blitz. When done correctly, a sales blitz cultivates relationships with prospective customers, as well as loyal, high-paying clients to enhance your selling process. 

How on earth do you implement a sales blitz in your business? Let’s dive in!

Sales Tactic for Small Businesses

What are your goals?

No strategy can stand on its own without knowing the purpose and goals behind it. Simply “increasing sales” won’t cut it. What do you truly want to accomplish while implementing a sales blitz? Are you wanting to score repeat business over the holidays? Would you like to pinpoint seven new potential clients? Don’t worry if your goals look different from others in your industry. Stay focused and drive toward your goals while focusing on your milestones because that’s what makes all the difference!

While you’re thinking about it, make sure your goal is SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. Great goals are clear and measurable, so you’re clear on whether or not you found success or fell short. It’s important to take this time to map out what you want to accomplish to make the most of your time in your blitz!

Who are your prospects?

Strategy. Strategy. Strategy. There is no point in throwing things on a wall to see if anything sticks. Let’s be strategic. As a business owner, your time is valuable, so it’s important to be efficient! Set your sights and pick your target.

A great place to start is by compiling a list of prospects with any points of contact including phone numbers and addresses, broken down by regions. With this, you can stay organized and keep track of who you’ve targeted. Being intentional and strategic is the name of the game. 

What territory are you tackling?

Nothing beats face to face, so if you can surprise your prospects in-person, that’s a step above the rest. Virtual gifts and surprises are wonderful thoughts, but nothing beats the personal touch of delivering a marketing gift in-person. However, it’s important to make a game plan!

You don’t want to waste time driving across town for one prospect, so map out a route and knock out a bunch in one swoop. Organization is key to maximizing your time and effort!

What’s your budget?

Just like anything, it’s important to spend within our means. Of course, everyone wants to knock their prospects off their feet, but we certainly don’t want to knock your payroll off its feet either. Don’t let this part of the process weigh you down! You don’t have to spend oodles to have a successful sales blitz.

Whether it’s a fun gift or a thoughtful token to enhance their life or business, take time to crunch the numbers. Even small gestures can make a big splash, so don’t get down here! Be creative and think about what might be impactful, then target your gift to your prospect’s needs and wants. Cocktail kits or bottles of wine, holidays boxes, personalized stationery, sweets or gas cards can all make great gifts. 

What’s next?

No sales technique is complete without a follow-up step! After connecting with them face to face, it’s important to nurture that relationship. Give them a call and get on the books with them!

A sales blitz done right can produce incredible results for businesses of all sizes. This is a great way to stay top-of-mind with your prospects and capitalize on referrals. Very few businesses implement the personal touch that a sales blitz offers, so take advantage and start planning yours today. It’ll make all the difference for your business this year!

If you’re hungry for more marketing and sales strategies, be sure to download my guide: “5 Marketing Strategies to Move Your Business Forward Now.” Sales doesn’t have to be filled with cold calls. Let’s leverage those opportunities and use successful strategies to help your business grow!

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