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Preventing Burnout (Without Your Business Suffering)

Burnout is all too real in the special events industry, with weeks filled with client meetings and event preparations and weekends allotted for day-of execution. Before long, it can feel like there’s no respite from a never-ending slew of to-do’s — yet taking some personal time feels like it will cause your business to implode.

Managing stress and finding a life-work balance is essential for long-term success, but many of us find it difficult when we’re accustomed to unusual hours and working from home. It’s one thing when you have a 9-to-5 and you can leave your work in an office; it’s entirely another when a client is calling you at 10 p.m. to discuss their newest idea.  

For those who deem self-care as something to get to later, I want to dive into some of the ways you can make it a bigger priority without feeling like you’re sacrificing your work. After all, a healthy and happy mind will be far more productive and creative than one that is burnt out. 

Take breaks throughout the day

If taking a whole day off seems laughable, you’re not alone. Fortunately, you don’t need to plan a staycation in order to find reprieve from your work. Instead, carve out moments throughout the day to get up and clear your headspace.

For some, it could mean grabbing lunch at your favorite café. For others, it might be sneaking out early to hit a yoga class. Even a few minutes of stretching in the office or walking around the block can make all the difference when you feel like your brain is turned off.

Trust in technology

When you feel like you don’t have time to breathe, there’s a good chance that there are at least a few tasks on your list that can be automated by technology. For example, maybe you need to find a great email marketing platform to automate your responses to inquiries. Perhaps you spend a lot of time going back-and-forth with clients trying to set a meeting time, in which case you should look into appointment scheduling apps, like Calendly or Acuity.

Whatever your biggest burden may be, identify what takes up the most of your time and see if there’s a way to streamline it through technology. Opening up a few moments throughout your day will provide you with more opportunities to take a break and let your hardworking brain rest. 

Make time for personal growth

When you’re constantly slugging through task after task, it’s easy to see how burnout can happen. Your brain needs to be challenged by new ideas and unique situations, so taking on a new hobby or learning about a new topic can keep you fresh and inspired — even if it has nothing to do with your business. Not only do you get to disengage from work for a bit, but you also get to flex your brain and form new pathways which will help you prevent burnout in the long run.

Ask for help

When all else fails, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Consider hiring an intern or a part-time employee if your budget doesn’t accommodate bringing on someone full-time. You could even look for temporary help from a friend or loved one. The smallest things help when you don’t have to feel responsible for every little thing that falls on your plate. Delegate the time-consuming menial tasks, like responding to emails or posting on social media, so you can dedicate your valuable time to the work that matters.

Burnout is no joke and, if you think you can address it later, you will soon see that there is no ‘later.’ There will always be work to do! The truth of the matter is that your business will suffer far greater from poor mental health than it will from taking some time off. Invest in your personal wellbeing, just as you invest in your business — that’s the true key to success.


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