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Event Day Management

Event Day Management

By: Theres Cole-Hubbs, Electric Karma International

It’s the big day! Are you going crazy? Is the client going crazy? 


Event day management can be interpreted in many ways: 

Client’s Prospective

I hate when I receive the sales inquiry, “I only need a day of coordinator or manager, I have everything done!” They are surprised when I answer back, “What does that mean?” Really! The caller is expecting us to come in on the day of their event and execute a plan that someone with little or NO experience has organized? And did I mention they want it to be SPECIAL and perfect? This terminology of "Day of" Management must stop! What we recommend, is that you review the clients plan, be sure they are open to critiquing, and adjustments. Then we make a decision if this client and the experience will be beneficial to both parties. 

Cooperation and Collaboration by a Professional Team

The day of experience for all professionals is directly related to the outcome for the event. All professionals are important and each has a responsibility to the client. This being said, it is critical that all service providers are respected and that the team understands what expectations they have of each other.  On the day of, is not the time to say, “this is what the client wanted, I’m sorry that the tall centerpieces are in the sight line of the screens and I can’t move them!” Or “we are busy with getting all the décor done and we don’t have time to set up the stage, so that you can finish the DJ equipment. It’s not our problem that your staff is on the clock and have been waiting for 3 hours.” Who’s going to tell the client of the decisions of changes or delays? It is NEVER acceptable to throw another professional under the bus. With proper communication these occurrences will lessen.

5 Tips to Successful Day of Management

  1. Communication is the most essential tool that all professionals have for Day of Management. 

  2. Collaboratively creating a production schedule with all of the professionals that will be participating. It is important that each service speaks to the amount of time required to execute their service, and what needs to proceed or happen after so that everyone can communicate, if there are changes.  If this isn’t in place, it can create a domino effect and put the project in jeopardy.  Changes and adjustments will happen.  Have a method in place to address these items. Establish a plan of how they will be communicated with the affected teams. It is necessary to establish a lead person that will communicate and oversee the project.

  3. Having a production schedule for all installations, complete with move in time markers, helps in assessing if things are running ahead or behind so adjustments can be made.

  4. It works well to have a final meeting with all the professionals, to make each one responsible to the other.

  5. Having a clear expectation of services or products with the client and the other professionals helps to keep plans aligned. 


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