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Building a Strong Destination Event Team

All events require a high level of teamwork and organization; however, the coordination of destination events involves managing vendors from different locations, so it’s essential to create a team of responsible and experienced professionals to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

When sourcing vendors for the event team, there are quite a w considerations to keep in mind to ensure you handpick the best of the best.

 Who’s Who

Every destination event differs depending on where it’s being held, but they generally include several key players to ensure it all goes off without a hitch. More often than not, the event coordination is led by the head of decoration and the technical director. While the head of decoration is responsible for making plans for design and décor, the technical director should be out and about scouting venues and organization the technical details.

 Once the event’s framework is in place, it’s time to get down to the finer details. Enter the production team. The head of decoration and technical director provide the team with the plan and it’s up to them to put it into motion. They are responsible for everything from ordering all of the décor needs to constructing any on-site structures. Depending on the complexity of the event, a logistics team may be needed to keep the event timeline flowing – this includes lighting directors, transportation coordinators and traffic conductors, if necessary.

 Sourcing help from the destination can be especially helpful, since they often have extensive knowledge of the area and can be a valuable resource. Just be sure to qualify each person you bring onto your team – we’ve always found it helpful to have a quick run-through with everyone to put their skills to the test.

 Get Connected

With a solid event team in place, it’s time to work out the communication plan. This is especially important with destination events, as people are often spread out around the world until the week leading up to the Big Day. Our team relies heavily on phone and Skype calls to stay connected, since emails and SMS messages can be misconstrued.

 There are also plenty of apps to keep everyone on the same page – our favorites are SketchUp and Cast’s wysiwyg. They allow us to virtually collaborate on lighting and design plans in real time, which can be very helpful when you’re battling with different time zones.

Whether it’s weekly (or daily) calls or constant communication via apps, it’s essential that there’s a continuous conversation to keep everyone involved and on top of things.

 At the Destination

Once you touch down on the other side, it’s time for the fun to start! Depending on the size and complexity of the event design, the team may need to arrive up to a month prior to get everything situated. Smaller events may only require a few days of on-site preparation.

 With everyone in one place, communication is just as key. The head planner, head of decoration and technical director are responsible for coordinating the team as they put together a perfect event. Set aside time for a team meeting prior to the event to discuss the final result with everyone who is involved.

 With that, your destination team is ready to provide clients with their vision in an efficient and effective manner.

 Fabrice Orlando is the CEO of Cocoon Events Management Group, a luxury event planning company based in Marrakech, Morocco that specializes in high-end weddings and special events worldwide.


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