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A Guide to Recharging During the Holiday Season

A Guide to Recharging During the Holiday Season

Raise your hand if you’re reaching the end of your rope. Your hand is raised, right? Everyone in the wedding industry is right there with you. While 2020 was a year filled with downtime and reflection, 2021 has been go-go-go once pandemic restrictions started rolling back. 

As we head into the holiday season, you’re likely wrapping up one of the busiest seasons on record. After all, the industry has serviced two years’ worth of one year. It’s natural if you’re starting to feel the effects of burnout and exhaustion.

Looking ahead to 2022, we are anticipating it to be more of the same busyness. It will be a while before we fully catch up on the backlog of weddings left by the pandemic. If that leaves you with mixed feelings, you’re not alone. On one side, the increased revenue and portfolio-building opportunities are welcome! But, realistically, how much can a person handle and for how long?

Producing a wedding is physically, emotionally, and mentally taxing. When your schedule is wall-to-wall, it leaves little time to focus on personal development, self-care, and family time — all things that fill up our spirits and keep us balanced in life.

Before gearing up for a busy 2022, I encourage you to spend the holiday season investing in you. You may have a few weddings or holiday parties to fulfill, but winter tends to get quieter in most regions so make the most of your downtime.

Here are a few ways to maximize your holiday break and show up re-energized for 2022.

Spend time doing nothing.

That’s right — nothing. No mindless scrolling on Instagram, no Netflix, no podcasts, no distractions whatsoever. Just you, living in the moment and appreciating what life has to offer. Doing ‘nothing’ is hard for a lot of people, especially wedding professionals who are more inclined to productivity. 

But, when you’re facing burnout, doing nothing is productive. It helps you process thoughts, calm your nervous system, and prioritize much-needed rest. Give yourself permission to go outside and enjoy the crisp air, sit with your thoughts over a morning coffee, or show your pets some love — even for ten minutes. You’ll feel better for it.

Bring back your reading practice.

Whether you’re a bookworm or not, there’s a good chance you haven’t been able to dedicate much time to reading while you’ve been busy this year. Yet, reading is a powerful way to gain knowledge, enhance creativity, and increase focus. This holiday season, pick up a book that’s been on your list for a while. 

Try to choose one that’s outside of the typical business books that likely fill your shelves. If you’re a fiction lover, find one that transports you to another world and ignites your imagination. If you prefer non-fiction, select a book on a topic that has piqued your curiosity so you can learn for the simple sake of learning. 

Focus your energy on loved ones.

The holidays are all about family time, and there’s no better way to spend downtime than surrounded by loved ones. Step outside the usual networking brain of socializing within your professional capacity, focusing your energy and attention on those who know and love you for being you. Being around family and friends will leave you feeling refreshed, inspired, and happy as you head into the new year.

If you’re the host(ess) with the most(est), consider inviting your loved ones for a small, safe holiday get-together to celebrate the season with one another. Or, if you’d rather be a guest for once, make sure to bring your best attitude and maybe even a game to play with the group. Embrace the festivities and have fun — that’s all!

Get a head start on your New Year’s resolutions.

Who said you have to wait until January 1 to adopt new habits or make a significant change? By starting early, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the slower weeks to build new routines and set yourself up for success in 2022. 

January is often when life starts to pick up and everyone starts getting back into the swing of things. There’s a reason New Year’s resolutions rarely make it past February! Use the holiday season to lay the groundwork for positive habits and that will support your wellbeing in the new year. Whether it’s waking up earlier to fit in daily exercise or starting a weekly meal planning routine, now is the time to get those goals into gear.

Your mental health and well-being drives your productivity and performance; without proper care, your output and ability to produce results will diminish. During the holidays, let go of the stress and make it a priority to tend to your needs. Next year’s you will be thankful you did!

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